Survey into effects of raptor predation

Posted on February 15th, 2016

raptor 1A PhD researcher at Nottingham Trent University, Esther Kettel, is conducting research into how peregrine falcons have adapted to an urban life.

She says: “As peregrines are increasingly found nesting close to human habituation, conflict between them and humans may arise. In particular, it is thought that the presence of these birds, and other birds of prey, are threatening the future of pigeon racing. However, the extent of kills is not entirely clear, nor is it clear how the majority of pigeon fanciers perceive birds of prey.”

Esther has put together a survey which she would like pigeon fanciers to complete. “It is hoped, that with your help, we can gain a clearer understanding of the extent of racing pigeon kills carried out by birds of prey, and thus makes steps in to resolving the issue. Please answer all questions honestly; if you do not want to answer a question, please move on to the next one. All results will be made available and will be published via the RPRA website for your interest. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.”

Please download the questionnaire here, and send your completed responses to the freepost address at the foot of the form, or complete the online version here.


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