Welsh Homing Union

The Welsh Homing Pigeon Union (WHPU), founded 25th November 1933, administers and serves as the governing body for pigeon racing in Wales.

The WHPU is run by elected officers and councillors.  All councillors are nominated by the individual affiliated federations; the officials are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.  All clubs have the opportunity to submit Notices of Motion to the AGM, these Notices of Motion are voted on by Club delegates present.

The objective of the Union is to work in the interest of all its members; to encourage the sport of long distance flying; to arbitrate and adjudicate in all cases of disputes brought to its notice and to maintain through its administration the discipline and interest of its members; to establish a uniform system of measurement for all flying routes, along with a uniform system of timing.

Contact us to find out more:

President:  Colin Clarke
Chairperson:  Mrs M Evans
Treasurer:  Mr M W Bowen

Old Timothys Yard
Llanfoist Street
Ton Pentre
CF41 7EE

Office opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9.30am-4pm
Tel: 01443 441010
Email: [email protected]

There are seven federations affiliated to the WHPU which consist of over 100 Clubs.  The WHPU also has three national clubs, plus The Welsh South East Combine.  Also affiliated are over 200 individual members.  Contact details for these federations and clubs are available on the WHPU’s website.