The latest copy of the Raptor Alliance press update is now available to download by clicking on the image below.
Raptor Alliance

Surrey Advertiser on hawk attacks
The Surrey Advertiser of 6th November featured an article on Guildford Racing Pigeon Club Chairman, Peter Harwood, and his problems with hawk attacks. Read the full article here.

Gamekeepers win Natural England Licence Challenge
A gamekeeper from Northumberland has won a landmark legal battle after a Judicial Review at the High Court in London quashed the decision of Natural England – the Government’s conservation advisor – to refuse to…

Law Commission’s Review of Wildlife Law and Draft Bill
The Law Commission’s report on the review of wildlife law and draft Bill have been published today (Tuesday 10th November). Both documents, a summary (in English initially, but with a Welsh version to follow) and…

What’s a songbird, Daddy?
Read this moving poem, written by Eleanor Wright of the British Homing World staff.